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Cochlear Implant Quality of Life-35 Profile

INSTRUCTIONS: Think about your daily life with your cochlear implant (and/or hearing aid, if you also
use one). Answer how often each of the following statements applies to your feelings and
experiences. Answer how often each statement applies even if you don't use cochlear implants or
hearing aids.

1. I am able to have a conversation in a quiet place without asking the other person to repeat themselves
2. Other people’s voices sound clear and natural to me
3. I am able to have a conversation with a group of three or more people
4. I am able to have a conversation without asking the other person to repeat themselves
5. I can hear and understand without looking at the person speaking
6. I have to ask a lot of questions about what is being said in a conversation
7. I can understand a conversation in a crowded environment (restaurant, party, etc.)
8. I am able to have a conversation with someone in a noisy place without asking them to repeat themselves
9. I can understand strangers without lip-reading in a noisy place
10. I can follow the conversation in a group of five people in a crowded restaurant when I cannot see everyone
11. I feel comfortable being myself
12. My hearing loss makes me feel inadequate
13. My hearing loss makes me irritable
14. I keep quiet in a conversation to avoid saying the wrong thing
15. I become frustrated when I cannot follow a conversation
16. My hearing loss prevents me from listening to TV or radio
17. I am able to enjoy listening to the radio and TV
18. I am able to enjoy music
19. I can recognize certain melodies in music
20. Music sounds clear and natural to me
21. Everyday sounds (birds chirping, rain, car horns, etc.) are clear to me
22. Everyday sounds (microwave, birds chirping, rain, car horn) sound natural to me
23. I am able to distinguish sounds in nature
24. I am able to hear cars approaching in traffic
25. I can hear someone approaching from behind
26. I am able to follow a conversation with minimal effort
27. I am able to ignore competing sounds and focus on the person who is speaking
28. I can easily have a conversation in a noisy place (restaurant, party, store)
29. I have to concentrate when having a conversation
30. I have to concentrate when having a conversation with strangers when in a noisy place
31. If I am interested, I will join family or friends for a social event
32. I have the confidence to socialize
33. I avoid socializing with friends, relatives, or neighbors due to my hearing loss
34. I avoid social situations due to my hearing loss
35. I feel left out when I am with a group of people due to my hearing loss

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